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Autumn Migration Watch & Breakfast

Tue 4th Nov from 7:15 am to 10:15 am

Location: Berry Head

£35 Book Now

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Autumn Migration Watch & Breakfast

Date: Tuesday 4th November, 7.15am – 10.15am (includes time for breakfast starting at 9.15am)
Location: Berry Head National Nature Reserve

A great opportunity to immerse yourself in nature with an informative walk led by local bird expert Mike Langman.

Early November can produce some of the most spectacular overhead movements of birds but only early in the morning. Given the right conditions thousands of birds could be on the move in huge flocks, Redwings and Fieldfare freshly arriving back from their breeding grounds of Scandinavia are joined by loose flocks of and Wood Pigeons.

There should be a supporting cast of finches including Brambling, pipits and you just never know what else might turn up, perhaps a passing Ring Ouzel, Short-eared Owl, Merlin or a Woodcock. Mike will guide you through what is going on and help identify these birds by shape and calls.

The early start optimises our chances of witnessing migration at its best. At about 9.15am after a good morning’s birdwatching we’ll warm ourselves up at the Guardhouse Café with a hearty full breakfast and tea/coffee

Meet: Berry Head National Nature Reserve main car park
Cost: £35 Non Members, £30 Members (Include a delicious cooked breakfast at Guardhouse Cafe).


Tue 4th Nov
7:15 am to 10:15 am


Berry Head
Berry Head
Berry Head, TQ5 9AW United Kingdom
+ Google Map


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