Impressive Numbers of Rare Plant Discovered at Berry Head National Nature Reserve

Torbay Coast & Countryside Trust is delighted to announce a remarkable discovery of over 800 Small Hare’s-ear plants (Bupleurum baldense) thriving at Berry Head National Nature Reserve, perhaps its sole surviving site in Devon. This significant find underscores the careful habitat management of the Trust, who care for nearly 80% of all Torbay’s green spaces.

The rare Small Hare’s-ear, whose leaves resemble rabbit ears, is a tiny annual herb and an important component in coastal ecosystems on thin, limestone soils. Its presence at Berry Head is a testament to the Trust’s continuous conservation efforts in keeping encroaching scrub and dominating grasses at bay.

The discovery was confirmed by a recent survey conducted by Megan, a long-term volunteer with the Trust. Megan’s meticulous work in locating and counting these diminutive plants has provided invaluable data, revealing a population of 856 plants.

“The thriving population of Small Hare’s-ear is a wonderful indicator of the health of our coastal grasslands,” said Marije Zwager, Engagement Ranger for Torbay Coast & Countryside Trust. “We are incredibly proud of Megan and all our volunteers whose hard work and dedication make discoveries like this possible.”

Visitors to Berry Head National Nature Reserve are encouraged to enjoy the natural beauty and diversity of the area, while also respecting and preserving the delicate habitats that support such rare species.