We’re Opening a Brand New Occombe Farm Shop this August! (now open!)

Friday, July 16, 2021

A brand-new farm shop is opening next month at Occombe Farm, in Paignton. Torbay Coast & Countryside Trust (TCCT) is delighted to confirm that work refitting and extending the old shop space is near completion and opening by mid-August is planned. The new Occombe Farm Shop will showcase the very best produce the West Country […]

TCCT supporting cirl buntings in Cockington

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

As part of a scheme to encourage and support cirl buntings in Cockington, we are bringing a 17 acre semi-improved grass field back into arable rotation and you may notice a difference in the landscape of the Country Park. The field will be managed on rotation under organic arable cropping (four years arable followed by […]

Torbay Coast & Countryside Trust welcomes new General Manager for new Occombe!

Monday, March 8, 2021

In the spirit of celebrating International Women’s Day and women in leadership, Torbay Coast & Countryside Trust (TCCT) is delighted to announce the appointment of Cath Cooke as General Manager for the new Occombe Development. Cath joins the TCCT team this week to head up the final stages of Occombe’s regeneration and lead the running of Occombe once it opens this summer.

24th Green Flag Award for Cockington Country Park

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Great news! Cockington Country Park has been awarded its 24th Green Flag! This is a massive achievement, especially in the face of the ongoing COVID19 pandemic, at a time when our staff and volunteers have dealt with challenges brought about by the park’s huge numbers of additional visitors.

Occombe Farm Café and Occombe Farm have reopened!

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Torbay Coast & Countryside Trust (TCCT) have reopened Occombe Farm and Occombe Farm Café. The Farm had remained closed throughout the summer whilst the Farm Café was extended and refurbished. This work marks the first step towards the greater regeneration of Occombe Farm.

Occombe Farm Re-opening Delayed

Thursday, September 17, 2020

It is with much regret that, due to circumstances beyond our control, Occombe Farm and Occombe Farm Café will not re-open as planned on 22nd September.

Occombe Farm Cafe to get major face-lift!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Torbay Coast & Countryside Trust (TCCT) are thrilled to announce that planned refurbishment work on Occombe Farm Café is now underway. Work has begun on an extensive schedule of redecoration and refurbishment of the café. Unfortunately, with contractors operating on site, Occombe Farm will need to remain closed for a little longer until the building work is finished.

Why we remove unofficial memorials from TCCT Sites

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Whilst it is TCCT policy to remove unauthorised memorials from our sites we are always happy to discuss alternative commemorative options with all bereaved families. We have always done our best to accommodate requests and are willing to be flexible.